WIP / Doodle in KniteBlargh's Gallery

Go, KB, go!

Gee, a dude. Just a little fan art doodle of a rock that skipped leg day.

: Clip Studio Paint

Another birb doing one of the many funny birb poses.

: Clip Studio Paint

Been a while since I've made one of these Pokemon doodles. It's Tentacruel!

: Clip Studio Paint

Here's a little sketch from a personal project I'm working on.

I don't know why I doodled this, but what's done is done. There's no going back. Screaming Toad will forever live among my posts.

OG KB fans, you didn't think I actually forgot about #AppleApril, did you? Okay well... I actually did... But I hope this little Kirby thingy I drew helps to make up for it.

: Krita

Edit: I accidentally said I made this in Clip Studio Paint.

Cheese the Chao hopes you're all having a pleasant day, and so do I.

: Clip Studio Paint


: Krita


Thought I'd share one of my failed avatar frame attempts today.

Was supposed to look like a cybernetic eye, but between not turning out how I wanted and not being able to optimize it to meet the file size requirements, into the bin it went.

: Blender